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LED Wet / Damp Location 4 Foot 4 Lamp

LED Wet / Damp Location 4 Foot 4 Lamp

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Suitable for interior or exterior applications. This LED, lightweight, vapor tight, nonmetallic fixture is ideal for corrosive or wet/damp environments. The LE203 fixture features a fiberglass housing with an acrylic frosted or acrylic frosted ribbed lens, a continuous poured in place gasket design, and comes standard with surface mount brackets. The LE203 is ideal for commercial industrial or institutional applications providing maximum light output where humidity, dust, or fumes are possible. The LE203 is resilient against corrosion and weathering and is available in 2', 4', and 8' fixture lengths.

UL 1598A
CSA 22.2 No. 250.0
UL 8750
CSA 22.2 No. 250.13
NSF (enclosure only)
High Pressure Tested at 1500psi Ambient Temperature Range: -20°C - 35°C

Fiberglass: 5VA UL rated
5 Year Warranty
>50,000 hours

2 Ft.: 37 watts (4000 Lumens)
4 Ft.: 73 watts (8000 Lumens)
8 Ft.: 145 watts (16000 Lumens)
120-277 VAC, 50/60Hz
0-10V Dimming (Standard)

Acrylic Ribbed Frosted Lens
Acrylic Frosted Lens
Acrylic Shallow Frosted Lens
45° Angle Mount Bracket
Stainless Steel Latches


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