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Marshalltown 48" Flat Wire Texture Broom; 1" Spacing
Marshalltown 48" Flat Wire Texture Broom; 1" Spacing
Marshalltown 48" Flat Wire Texture Broom; 1" Spacing

Marshalltown 48" Flat Wire Texture Broom; 1" Spacing

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The MARSHALLTOWN Flat Wire Broom are specially designed with durable steel tines to create uniform grooves in concrete roadways, bridges, and ramps for added water drainage and traction. The machined aluminum tubing won’t warp or crack, and its durable steel tines ensure a long-lasting tool for grooving. Choose between a wide range of broom sizes and bristle spacing to suit your needs. Each Broom comes with a threaded handle adapter already installed. This adapter can also be removed and replaced with a clevis end handle should it suit your preference. Our Flat Wire Brooms are Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Ideal for creating uniform grooves in concrete roadways, bridges, and ramps
  • Steel tines provide stiffness and flexibility
  • Tines are 5" long and 1/8" wide
  • Choose from a wide range of broom sizes and tines spacing
  • Comes equipped with a threaded handle adapter
  • Other tine spacing available by special order (call 1-800-888-0127)
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials


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