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Marshalltown 8 X 18 Plastic Combination Power Trowel Blade-High Density (4qty) (4/Pack)

Marshalltown 8 X 18 Plastic Combination Power Trowel Blade-High Density (4qty) (4/Pack)

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MARSHALLTOWN Plastic Power Trowel Blades are ideal for floating and finishing any concrete slab where burnish marks are a concern while also providing a hard, polished finish. Choose between a UHMW or a High-Density blade to suit your needs. The UHMW blades are intended for use with walk-behind Power Trowels while the High-Density Blades can be used with either ride-on or walk-behind Power Trowels. Both blade options are available in either an 8” x 14” or 8” x 18” size. These Power Trowel Blades are Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Perfect for floating and finishing concrete surfaces where burnish marks are a concern
  • Provides a hard, polished finish
  • Choose between a UHMW or High-Density blade type
  • UHMW should be used only on walk-behind Power Trowels
  • Blades available in either an 8” x 14” or 8” x 18” size
  • These blades are not to be used with Float Pans
  • Eligible for volume discount
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials


Item I​D 1​4​9​6​0​

Shipping Weight
17.20 lbs
Shipping Length
18.30 in.
Shipping Width
8.80 in.
Shipping Height
4.10 in.
Inner Pack Quantity
4 pieces
Outer Pack Quantity
4 pieces
Can Ship Small Package


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