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Marshalltown Basic Rugged Spin Screed Assembly and Drill-Includes drill, all handles, impact socket adapter, live & dead ends
Marshalltown Basic Rugged Spin Screed Assembly and Drill-Includes drill, all handles, impact socket adapter, live & dead ends
Marshalltown Basic Rugged Spin Screed Assembly and Drill-Includes drill, all handles, impact socket adapter, live & dead ends
Marshalltown Basic Rugged Spin Screed Assembly and Drill-Includes drill, all handles, impact socket adapter, live & dead ends

Marshalltown Basic Rugged Spin Screed Assembly and Drill-Includes drill, all handles, impact socket adapter, live & dead ends

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The Corded Spin Screed® is the world’s first lightweight power roller screed designed with the professional concrete finisher in mind. The lightweight design makes it even easier to screed large concrete surfaces while also keeping your aggregate near the surface, which helps produce stronger, flatter concrete slabs. The Corded Screed assembly comes with a 10 amp Makita Right Angle drill, an impact socket adapter, a dead-end T-handle, and live and dead ends. Power head only option also available. This Screed is Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Keeps aggregate near the top to help you produce flatter, more durable concrete surfaces
  • Lightweight design saves you time and effort and is convenient to use
  • Complete assembly includes a 10 amp Makita Right Angle drill, impact socket adapter, live and dead ends, and a dead-end T-handle (28716)
  • Power head only includes a 10 amp Makita Right Angle drill and impact socket adapter (28714)
  • Pair this tool with forms and our Screed support system for maximum flatness
  • Spin Screed Pipes sold separately
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials


Item I​D 2​8​7​1​6​

Shipping Weight
45.00 lbs
Shipping Length
48.00 in.
Shipping Width
6.00 in.
Shipping Height
6.00 in.
Inner Pack Quantity
1 pieces
Outer Pack Quantity
1 pieces
Can Ship Small Package


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