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Powermate Tools Synthetic Blend Compressor Oil- 1 quart

Powermate Tools Synthetic Blend Compressor Oil- 1 quart

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Powermate 018-0069CT Synthetic Blend Non Detergent Air Compressor Oil - 1-Quart is expertly engineered and designed. It is designed to prevent oil breakdown with a mixture of additives that inhibit premature wearing. This Powermate Air Compressor Oil is an all weather blend for year round use and has better performance over other oils in cold tempretures. Conveniently packaged in a 1-Quart bottle with an easy to read oil level indicator this Powermate option is easy to utilize. Powermate is one of the world's leading brands of portable and standby electric generators, air compressors, water pumps, air tools, pressure washers, and accessories.


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