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Mi-T-M Dual Lance (4000 PSI) (1587570376739)

Mi-T-M Dual Lance (4000 PSI)

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Note: This requires part # 15-00016 to use.

Consists of 1 low pressure wand + 1 high pressure wand.
One wand works for detergent / chemical while the other wand works for water only.

To make the other wand high pressure, you can put a high pressure detergent injector, part number: 50-0161.

For Use With Mfr. Model Number: GC-1003-SME1, GC-2004-SME1, GH-1002-SM10, GH-1002-0M10, GH-1502-SM10, GH-1502-0M10, GH-2003-SM10, GH-2003-0M10, GH-2004-1230, GH-2403-3MGH, GH-2504-SM10, GH-2504-SM30, GH-2504-0M10, GH-2504-0M30, GH-3003-3MGH, GH-3004-SM10, GH-3004-SM30, GH-3004-0EGH, GH-3004-0M10, GH-3004-0M30, GH-3004-1230

Item: Dual Lance Assembly
Fits Brand: Mi-T-M


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36"Length36in.4000 PSI48"Length48in.all other productsbf2023Hot/Cold Water ExtensionLeadTime3weeksmi-t-mnomapQuickConnectrepriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200