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Rotary Surface Cleaner 28-inch / 4.0 to 10.0 GPM

Rotary Surface Cleaner 28-inch / 4.0 to 10.0 GPM

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Clean larger surfaces faster and easier than with a standard cleaning nozzle. The Mi-T-M surface cleaners are equipped with strong-bristled brushes for long life and easy glide control. This cleaning accessory can be used on decks, patios, sidewalks, driveways, pool decks, parking lots, and any other horizontal surface.


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10gpm180°F2000-350028 inch44-1/2" Nozzles4000 PSIall other productsbf2023ColdLeadTime3weeksmi-t-mnomappmax ad rotary surface cleanersprisyncprisync711prisync8824ProfessionalROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledWith Surface Handle