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MSA Flexi-Filter P100 Bayonet Filter Pad
MSA Flexi-Filter P100 Bayonet Filter Pad

MSA Flexi-Filter P100 Bayonet Filter Pad

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MSA Flexi-Filters P100 Filter Pad compatible with Advantage series air purifying respirator is suitable for a variety of applications and industries where particulate aerosols and nuisance odors exist.

Filter pad featuring swept-back design and low profile make it great for use under welding hoods or any tight spot where a respirator must be worn. Swept-back design makes it easy to see your work, while rendering balance/weight distribution to assist maintain a comfortable and secure face seal. Finger tabs provided gives easy installation and removal to help prevent possible filter damage, which could reduce expected protection. Low breathing resistance filter features multi-layer construction for high filter durability and a spark-resistant cover.

The filter fits perfectly below a welding hood and keeps the respirator face seal intact. Filter pad finds its application in Asbestos Abatement, sanding and grinding, welding and painting. Respirator Type: Advantage, Safety Product Type: Filter, Standard: NIOSH



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