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MTM Hydro 43.0016 SG35 Dual Lance Kit w/SS Couplers
MTM Hydro 43.0016 SG35 Dual Lance Kit w/SS Couplers
MTM Hydro 43.0016 SG35 Dual Lance Kit w/SS Couplers
MTM Hydro 43.0016 SG35 Dual Lance Kit w/SS Couplers

MTM Hydro 43.0016 SG35 Dual Lance Kit w/SS Couplers

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MTM Hydro's Cleaning Kits are comprised of hand-selected items to simplify the part selection process. These kits offer the complete package under a single part number. When selecting your new package be sure to note the operating specs of your system along with any specialized fittings or adapters you may require.

Contents of the SG35 Spray Gun and Stainless Dual Lance Kit:

  • SG35 EZ Hold Spray Gun with 3/8" Stainless QC Socket Installed
  • Stainless Steel DLE Dual Lance with Chem
  • Nozzle and 1/4" Stainless Socket Installed

Notable features of DLE Lance include that the valve stem is now 50% larger and features only 3 coarse threads measuring 3mm at their thickest point. This change allows for a single turn to open and virtually eliminates the risk of stripping the brass threads which can occur with the fine threading of other dual lance stems. Coupled with a spring clip instead of a retaining nut to hold the stem in place, these dual lances have been developed with enhanced quality to last longer in the field.


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