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MTM Hydro Stainless Steel 4 pack of 2.0 QC Nozzles

MTM Hydro Stainless Steel 4 pack of 2.0 QC Nozzles

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MTM Hydro's 4 Pack of Stainless QC Nozzles offer superior performance and extended life as a result of our refined manufacturing process. This premium nozzle pack has Fan Pattern - 0°, 15°, 25°, 40° Stainless QC Nozzles that are 100% tested for orifice accuracy and degree setting so you never have to worry about using an inaccurate nozzle. In addition to the meticulous testing process, MTM Hydro nozzles are manufactured with striations in the stainless steel to securely hold the pressed head of the nozzle and eliminate the possibility of the colored head falling off, as with competing models. All MTM Hydro nozzles are laser etched along the neck with degree and size of the nozzle. For reference: 25045 translates to 25° size 4.5 orifice.

Be sure to review the MTM Hydro nozzle chart when selecting your nozzle size


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