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MTM Hydro's Pro Contractor M407 Spray Gun and DLE Dual Lance Kit 4000 PSI
MTM Hydro's Pro Contractor M407 Spray Gun and DLE Dual Lance Kit 4000 PSI

MTM Hydro's Pro Contractor M407 Spray Gun and DLE Dual Lance Kit 4000 PSI

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MTM Hydro's Cleaning Kits are hand-selected items that will keep you and your crew working without the worry of identifying multiple components to get set up. These Kits offer the complete package you are looking for under a single part number. When selecting your new Package be sure to note the operating specs of your system along with any specialized fittings or adapters you may require.

Contents of the Pro Contractor M407 Spray Gun and Dual Lance Kit:

  • M407 Spray Gun with 3/8" QC Plug Installed
  • Plated Steel DLE Dual Lance with Chem Nozzle and 1/4" Brass Socket Installed
  • Additional Specs of this Package:

  • 250°F Temp Rating
  • Professional series cleaning accessories for systems requiring downstream injectors
  • This Kit is bulk packed- If you order three of them, you will receive one box
  • See image for clarification of included parts.

    Note: As a wholesaler, it is most efficient for us to bulk pack these items. Unless noted in the description or title, all kits are bulk packed together if you are ordering more than one.

     Related image WARNING

    This product can expose you to chemicals, including DINP and/or DEHP which is known to the state of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm, go to for more information.

    The products we sell are not intended for use in potable water systems and are only for industrial non-drinking water applications.


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