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Newstripe 10001231 Rear Caster
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Newstripe 10001231 Rear Caster

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Newstripe's athletic field accessories reduce painting and maintenance time when marking your athletic field. SafeMark and ProLine field layout systems allow you to measure only once and restripe time and again. Our patented HashMark Master paints hash marks 5 times faster than using stencils. Plus, our other accessories just make the painting and cleanup easy.

Newstripe's Rear Caster allows you to create the perfect circles and arcs. The Rear Caster quickly and easily lowers when needed to paint circles and arcs, then locks in the upright position for painting straight lines.

Material : All-Welded Steel And Structural Components

  • BRAND Newstripe
  • CONSTRUCTION All-Welded Steel And Structural Components
  • DESCRIPTIONRear Caster
  • TYPE Line Striping Machine
  • FOR USE WITH Newstripe's Striping Machines
  • Construction All-Welded Steel And Structural Components
  • For Use With Newstripe's Striping Machines


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