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Newstripe 10002550 Athletic Field Striping Paint Concentrate 4 Gallon/Case

Newstripe 10002550 Athletic Field Striping Paint Concentrate 4 Gallon/Case

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Newstripe’s Athletic field Striping Paint Concentrate 4 Gallon/Case is specifically made for striping lines, hash marks, logos and mascots on all types of fields. Made from quality materials, our paints are non-toxic, halogen-free, environmentally friendly. This water-based marking paint can be used in most airless or battery operated athletic field striping machines. It has been tested and used in MLB, NFL, NCAA and World Cup Soccer stadiums.

  • Sold as Concentrate (Dilute 1 gallon of concentrate with 4 gallons of water to make 5 gallons of usable paint)
  • White color is bright and long lasting
  • Covers up to 450 linear feet per diluted gallon.
  • Will not harm grass, players or uniforms


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