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NEWSTRIPE 10003315 Dirt Medic™ Infield Drag & Groomer

NEWSTRIPE 10003315 Dirt Medic™ Infield Drag & Groomer

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The Dirt Medic™ Infield Drag & Groomer is specifically designed for use with garden tractors, light utility vehicles and ATV’s to fill and level infields while still maintaining the durability of larger machines. The Dirt Medic™ has a wide 4 foot grooming path and the 5 foot brush kit will cover even the tire tracks left behind.


  • Towing wheels - Two, 4 ply 12 inch diameter pneumatic tires on 410/350 x 6 wheels easily lower lift the unit for towing both on and off the field.
  • Cutting path - 48 inch wide, 0-2 inch adjustable for depth and cutting angle.
  • Adjusting wheel - Hand operated adjusting wheel controls and cutting depth simultaneously.
  • Harrow bar - our harrow bar has eight replaceable hardened steel 5/8” square spikes.
  • Ballast Trays - Two trays, each sized for standard cement blocks.
  • Finishing Brush - 5 foot brush leaves a professional smooth surface.


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