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NEWSTRIPE 10004801 HASHMARK-MASTER II™ Hash Mark Painter (for Low pressure stipers)
NEWSTRIPE 10004801 HASHMARK-MASTER II™ Hash Mark Painter (for Low pressure stipers)
NEWSTRIPE 10004801 HASHMARK-MASTER II™ Hash Mark Painter (for Low pressure stipers)
NEWSTRIPE 10004801 HASHMARK-MASTER II™ Hash Mark Painter (for Low pressure stipers)
NEWSTRIPE 10004801 HASHMARK-MASTER II™ Hash Mark Painter (for Low pressure stipers)
NEWSTRIPE 10004801 HASHMARK-MASTER II™ Hash Mark Painter (for Low pressure stipers)
NEWSTRIPE 10004801 HASHMARK-MASTER II™ Hash Mark Painter (for Low pressure stipers)

NEWSTRIPE 10004801 HASHMARK-MASTER II™ Hash Mark Painter (for Low pressure stipers)

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The HASHMARK MASTER™ football hash mark painter eliminates repeated measuring or using stencils and templates that require a two or three man crew. You can easily paint hash marks five times faster than other methods. Plus, it is the only hash mark painting machine that works on high and low-pressure stripers.

The HASHMARK-MASTER™ operation is as simple as One, Two, Three:

  1. Attach the HASHMARK MASTER™ to your Newstripe or Graco walk-behind striping machine.
  2. Follow the automatic measuring guide from one hash mark to the next.
  3. Paint the hash mark and move on. It is that simple!


  • Uses the striper’s own spray gun, so there is no need for additional accessories
  • Pre-measured yard stick makes it easy to go from one hash mark to the next
  • Quickly folds up and out of the way for storage, transportation, and for when striping lines

Equipment Requirements
Attaches to most Newstripe walk-behind striping machines & some Graco stripers.
*Not compatible with battery operated EcoLiners

Application: Hash mark painting and marking



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