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NEWSTRIPE 10004850 HashMark Paint & Go

NEWSTRIPE 10004850 HashMark Paint & Go

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Newstripe HashMark Paint & Go Football Hash Mark Stencil 10004850

The all new HashMark Paint and Go is the fast, inexpensive and simple way to paint your football field’s hash marks. No longer is this a labor intensive, messy, three person job. Now, with the HashMark Paint and Go, one person can do the job in half the time. Priced at only $225.00, this football field line marker can pay for itself the first time you use it! Plus, The HashMark Paint and Go simply mounts on any Newstripe® walk behind striper.

The all new HashMark Paint and Go is a rear mounted flip up hash mark stencil. It easily attaches to all Newstripe walk behind stripers with a hand gun.
One person can quickly and easily paint your football field’s hash marks in half the time of traditional methods. This football field line marker saves you time and labor, quickly paying for itself after the first use.

The Newstripe HASHMARK-MASTER and Paint and GO is protected by U.S. patent # 7,367,515 B1


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