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Baileigh Industrial - 220V 3 Phase Column Type (Non-Mitering) Metal Cutting Band Saw 1-1/4" Blade Width

Baileigh Industrial - 220V 3 Phase Column Type (Non-Mitering) Metal Cutting Band Saw 1-1/4" Blade Width

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  • If you need to cut steel all day, every day, then the BS-360SA semi-automatic column band saw is for you.
  • The BS-360SA from Baileigh Industrial offers a huge 14” x 22” rectangle capacity.
  • Like all Baileigh Industrial band saws, this single column saw is built with the highest quality components.
  • The BS-360SA features a fully cast iron vise and bow that are machined to exacting tolerances, ensuring that the cuts are as precise as possible.
  • Fully sealed ball bearings are used for blade guides to ensure proper tracking of the blade on the BS-360SA.
  • Powered by 220Volts, 3 phase power, the BS-360SA has a robust 5hp motor that turns the blade and an industrial grade hydraulic system for the semi-automatic features.
  • Operation of the saw is easy, it has a control panel that is simple and well labeled allowing the operator to be up and running quickly.
  • The semi-automatic system has controls that enable the vise to open and close as well as the bow to raise and lower hydraulically.
  • Other important features of the BS-360SA column band saw are: a hydraulic blade tension control with a blade break switch, flood coolant system, work light, and chip removal blade brush.


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