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Western Technology - C-Model - The BRICKette™ Explosion Proof LED Work Light

Western Technology - C-Model - The BRICKette™ Explosion Proof LED Work Light

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2106C-S5 (The BRICKette™) 2106A Stringer 5 head Brickette, 20' cable length between each head, 20' 1st head to EP Power box, 6' pig EP Plug Choose Handles Separately 

The BRICKette™ packs a level of versatility and durability like no other Explosion Proof LED String Light. Because of it's compact size & low voltage use, we have the flexibility to power up to five lights from one power box. The STRINGER™ configuration is more of a typical string work light, allowing up to five lights in a row, with one power switch. The MEDUSA™ configuration also allows up to 5 light heads to one power box, but each light head now has individual & variable power control. The handles are purpose built: providing better ergonomics and doubles as either a stand, hook or a mount (see magnetic options). The BRICKette™ is designed to meet the needs in a variety of applications from inspection, aircraft manufacturing & maintenance, confined spaces... and so much more.

Multiple Mounting Options Magnetic, Solid, or Slotted Handles-

The STRINGER Proven Applications:
• Aircraft Manufacturing
• Paint Booths
• Ship Building & Repair
• Oil Refineries
• Chemical Processing

Approved for Class 1, Div 1 & 2, Groups C & D
Class 2, Div 1 & 2; Groups E, F, & G
CSA Zones 1 & 2; Zones 20, 21, & 22
Conforms to UL Stds 153, 8750, 844
Certified to CSA Std C22.2#s 12, 25, 30, 137, 250.13
Suitable for Wet Location Use: Type 6P
Certified Portable Luminary
Temperature Rating T-code: T5
LED Color ~6000K, CRI >70
Rated + Optics >2,500 lumens
Reflective Optic Beam Angle 60°
Light Head Power 21VDC, 800mA, LVLE
Weight 3.5 lbs (light head only), 4.2- 5.3 lbs (light head with handle)
Dimensions 6"L x 2.9"W x 2.3"H
Protection Polyurethane Bumper
Country of origin Designed & Manufactured in the USA


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21VDC / 800mA / LVLE>2500 lumensall other productsbf2023catchallshiplowmarginnot canadaover-15000Polyurethane Bumperprisync722ROAS 6.6spo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabledT-code: T5western-technology~6000K CRI >70