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Global Finishing Solutions Batch Ovens (1588222623779)

Global Finishing Solutions Batch Ovens

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Batch Ovens are an ideal solution for curing high temperature powder coatings.

NOTE:  Please provide your desired oven size in the quote request

Turn Key Installation Available


Heavy-Duty, Insulated Panels GFS manufactures our oven panels to ensure quality. Each oven panel is constructed of 20-gauge aluminized steel, with 4 inches of 4 lb mineral wool batt for heat retention.

Solid Construction Each oven panel has tongue and groove edges with 20-gauge slotted channels. The oven support structure consists of 12-gauge formed steel with trouble-free bolt-together assembly.

Uni-Flow Air Distribution The uni-flow air distribution system with adjustable air distribution tabs circulates heated air on both sides of the oven for a balanced, uniform temperature throughout. Also included are airflow switches and interlocks.

Natural Gas or Propane GFS Batch Ovens can be equipped for natural gas or propane.

Heat Chamber Heaters can be mounted on the top or rear of the oven. Heater boxes are assembled, pre-fired and factory tested prior to shipment.

Temperature Range GFS Batch Ovens have a standard temperature range of 300°F to 500°F. Consult GFS for other temperature settings.

Controls GFS’ Batch Process Oven comes standard with the INSIGHT control panel. This PLC-based control system continuously monitors all systems for safety and function. The simplistic setup and operating screens, along with built-in help screens, provide the operator with the current status of the oven. The remote operator station comes standard with a pre-wired cable assembly for fast, easy wiring between the operator and the control panel.

Fans & Motors GFS batch ovens include an insulated plug fan with a TEFC motor, and a backward inclined centrifugal exhaust fan.


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