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Karcher 1.008-090.0 Chariot™ 3 iScrub 26 SP + 225 Wet + OBC + CM + Brush Stand-On Floor Scrubber

Karcher 1.008-090.0 Chariot™ 3 iScrub 26 SP + 225 Wet + OBC + CM + Brush Stand-On Floor Scrubber

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Experience the productivity of the next-generation of cylindrical scrubbing with the Chariot™ 3 iScrub 26 SP floor scrubber. When compared to a traditional walk-behind scrubber, this machine is twice as productive. This scrubber was developed from our years of experience as the innovators of stand-on cleaning equipment. No other manufacturer comes close to the depth of our line of stand-on cleaning machines. This model features our innovative cylindrical cleaning technology on our third generation Chariot™ platform. Cylindrical brushes are continuously self-cleaned by centrifugal force, which allows them to outlast 50 or more cleaning pads. The Chariot™ 3 iScrub 26 SP floor scrubber provides up to 9 times more downward pressure than traditional disc or pad floor scrubbers, creating more consistent results. An integrated wet pre-sweep and debris hopper can save you up to 40% of your overall cleaning time and labor costs by eliminating the need for pre-sweeping with a separate piece of equipment. The Chariot™ 3 iScrub 26 floor scrubber is perfect for scrubbing grouted, uneven, or porous surfaces.

Technical data

Working width (in) 26
Brush quantity (Piece(s)) 2
Brush diameter (in) 4.1
Vacuum working width (in) 33.5
Cleaning solution capacity (gal) 25
Dirty water container capacity (gal) 27
Operating noise level-std. mode (dB(A)) 66
Battery type wet
Battery voltage (V) 36
Battery capacity (Ah) 225
Brush quantity 3
Brush contact pressure (lb) 44
Brush diameter (rpm) 720 / 950
Traction motor (W) 600
Power rating brush (W) 560
Amps (W) 470
Air flow (cfm) 72
Waterlift (in) 47.3
Theoretical working capacity (ft²/hr) 27639
Ship Weight (with accessories) (lb) 995
Weight incl. packaging (lb) 995
Dimensions (L x W x H) (in) 56 x 33 x 50



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