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Karcher Walk-Behind Floor Scrubber B 40 W Bp with ORB

Karcher Walk-Behind Floor Scrubber B 40 W Bp with ORB

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B 40 W BP WITH ORB™ + D 51 + 138 AGM

The B 40 with Orb walk-behind floor scrubber is the latest addition to the popular B-Series line of commercial scrubbers. The B 40 supports six different cleaning programs including eco!efficiency™, an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly clean-ing setting, which is ideal for maintenance cleaning of most floors, operating with reduced motor output and lower brush rotation speed, reducing the noise level by up to 4 dB(A) and making it ideal for cleaning noise-sensitive areas such as offices, hospitals, and hotels.

  • Battery type, maintenance-free
  • Coin-op high-pressure cleaners



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10.6-gal.1725/30 rpm20 in. ORB60/69 dB(A)AGMaodd discountBatterybf2023BOnoETAdeletemenowDiscEcofloorscrubberkarchermap pricemap priced itemnogooglenot canadaNot Specifiedover-15000pmax ad vacuumpmax ads scrubberROAS 6.6spo-defaultspo-disabledWalk-Behind