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Powermatic PJ1696T 16" Parallelogram Jointer With Armorglide, Helical Cutterhead, 3Ph 230 (Pj1696T)
Powermatic PJ1696T 16" Parallelogram Jointer With Armorglide, Helical Cutterhead, 3Ph 230 (Pj1696T)

Powermatic PJ1696T 16" Parallelogram Jointer With Armorglide, Helical Cutterhead, 3Ph 230 (Pj1696T)

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Now featuring ArmorGlide Technology that is low-friction and rust-resistant, the Powermatic PJ1696T, 16-Inch Jointer offers big capacity and performance in a machine that is loaded with features. A large, center-mounted fence assembly adjusts easily on a rack and pinion system with ram lock. Preset stops on the fence body allow for fast angle set up at 45° in and out, and a positive stop for perfect 90° angles. The parallelogram design keeps the table in close proximity to the cutterhead for improved finish, and allows for a fast depth of cut adjustment.

This design also ensures that the tables remain perfectly parallel, even after years of tough duty. The specially-designed solid steel helical cutterhead consists of six rows of precision-ground staggered inserts. This system makes fast work of knife changing, and never needs adjustments. The heavy-duty 7-1/2-HP motor delivers all the power you need for even the biggest jobs.


  • ArmorGlide Technology gives you a low-friction, industrial-grade coating on the work surface that is rust resistant, requires less maintenance, and gives you more control
  • Cast iron fence bevel controls include positive stops at 45 degrees and 90 degrees
  • Full size rabbeting table supports large workpieces for rabbets up to 3/4-inch deep
  • Helical cutterhead features 58 two-sided knife inserts that reduce noise, eliminate adjustments, and speed knife changes
  • Large 16" x 96" precision ground cast iron table surface for maximum support and fine finish
  • Parallelogram construction maintains close table-to-cutterhead proximity and ensures table parallelism
  • Rack and pinion adjustable cast iron fence assembly allows for smooth fence positioning without play
  • NOTE: The recommended max cutting depth for non-rabbeting cuts is 1/8”. The max cutting depth for rabbeting cuts is 1/2" as the manual has always stated


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