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Paasche HG-08 HVLP Gravity Feed Touchup Gun

Paasche HG-08 HVLP Gravity Feed Touchup Gun

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The HG-08 Gravity Fed HVLP Touchup Gun:
Light weight, easy to control, perfect for touchup and smaller detail work.
Adjustable to achieve round and flat spray patterns.

Get a superior finish while saving paint.
HVLP spray guns apply paint with less force which reduces both overspray and paint bounce from the surface.
Both the fluid tip and needle are stainless steel allowing the use of water based materials

Part Number: HG-08
Type: HVLP Gravity Feed
Head Size: 0.8 mm
Air Volume: 1.5-4 CFM
Air Pressure: 30-45 PSI
Air Inlet: ¼” NPT
Bottle size: Aluminum 3 Ounce Cup
Spray Pattern: 1/2” to 7”
Weight: 0.65 Lbs
Finish: Blue

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