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Powermatic - 54A, 6" Jointer, 1HP 1PH 115/230V, Quick-Set Knives
Powermatic - 54A, 6" Jointer, 1HP 1PH 115/230V, Quick-Set Knives
Powermatic - 54A, 6" Jointer, 1HP 1PH 115/230V, Quick-Set Knives

Powermatic - 54A, 6" Jointer, 1HP 1PH 115/230V, Quick-Set Knives

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    Powermatic 1791279DXK Includes

    • (1) 54A 6" Jointer with Quick-Set Knives

    Powermatic 1791279DXK Features

    • The cutterhead features three auto-set knives that automatically align themselves in the cutterhead
    • 66" long adjustable infeed and outfeed tables provide more working surface
    • Fine/quick adjustment lever on infeed table for precision cuts
    • Extra-long 38" two-way tilting fence with positive stops provides quick positioning for 90° or bevel cuts
    • Enlarged sheet metal stand provides a sturdy base
    • 1HP motor offers plenty of power
    • Built-in ledge for 1/2" rabbeting capacity
    • Fence controls are center-mounted for convenience
    • Push button switch is lockable to prevent accidental starting
    • 4" port for dust collection

    Powermatic 1791279DXK Specifications

    Number of Knives 3
    Standard Knife Size (L x W x T) (In.) 6-1/6 x 3/4 x 5/64
    Cuts Per Minute 18,000
    Cutterhead Speed (RPM) 6,000
    Cutting Capacity (W x D) (In.) 6 x 1/2
    Table Size (L x W) (In.) 66 x 7-1/4
    Table Height from Floor (In.) 31-1/2
    Infeed Table Length (In.) 32-1/2
    Outfeed Table Length (In.) 32-1/2
    Rabbeting Capacity (In.) 1/2
    Rabbeting Ledge (In.) 9 x 2-1/2
    Fence Size (L x H) (In.) 38 x 4
    Fence Tilt (Deg.) 45 Forward, 45 Backward
    Fence Positive Stops (Deg.) 45, 90, -45
    Dust Collection Minimum CFM Required (CFM) 600
    Dust Port Outside Diameter (In.) 4
    Motor Power (HP) 1
    Motor Phase 1
    Motor Voltage (V.) 115/230
    Prewired Voltage (V.) 115
    Motor Current (Amps) 13/6.5
    Motor Current (Amps) 13/6.5
    Recommended Circuit Size (Amps.) 20/10The 6" Jointer features three auto-set knives that align themselves in the cutterhead for rapid knife changes. Oversized infeed/outfeed tables are mounted on dovetailed ways and have a built-in rabbeting ledge. The fence is 38" in length, with positive stops at 90° and 45° right and left. The fine/quick adjustment lever on the infeed table offers quick set-ups with precision controlled depth of cut. The heavy steel stand features a powerful motor with a non-slip v-belt drive for maximum performance. The 4" dust port offers easy connection to any dust collection system.


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