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Powermatic PM1-1791307T 12" Parallelogram Jointer With Armorglide, Helical Cutterhead, 1Ph 230V (1285Hht)

Powermatic PM1-1791307T 12" Parallelogram Jointer With Armorglide, Helical Cutterhead, 1Ph 230V (1285Hht)

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Now featuring ArmorGlide Technology that is low-friction and rust-resistant, the Powermatic 1285T, 12-Inch Jointer offers big capacity and performance in a machine that is loaded with features. A large center-mounted fence assembly adjusts easily by a rack and pinion system with ram lock. Preset stops on the fence body allow for fast angle set-up at 45° in and out, and a positive stop for perfect 90° angles. The parallelogram design keeps the table in close proximity to the cutterhead for improved finish and allows for a fast depth of cut adjustment. This design also ensures the tables remain perfectly parallel even after years of tough duty. This model features a helical cutterhead.


  • ArmorGlide Technology gives you a low-friction, industrial-grade coating on the work surface that is rust resistant, requires less maintenance, and gives you more control
  • Helical cutterhead features 42 two-sided carbide inserts for fast knife changes with no adjustments and a quiet, clean cut
  • Large 12" x 84" precision ground cast iron table surface for heavy-duty work
  • Parallelogram design ensures close table-to-cutterhead proximity and fast depth of cut adjustments
  • Rack and pinion adjustable cast iron fence assembly allows for smooth fence positioning without play
  • Table "lips" on both sides of cutterhead aid in noise reduction
  • NOTE: NOTE: The recommended max cutting depth for non-rabbeting cuts is 1/8”. The max cutting depth for rabbeting cuts is 1/2" as the manual has always stated


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