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Powermatic - Tailstock Swing Away for 3520, 3520A, 3520B, 3520C, PM2020
Powermatic - Tailstock Swing Away for 3520, 3520A, 3520B, 3520C, PM2020
Powermatic - Tailstock Swing Away for 3520, 3520A, 3520B, 3520C, PM2020

Powermatic - Tailstock Swing Away for 3520, 3520A, 3520B, 3520C, PM2020

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Here is the ultimate alternative to wrestling with a heavy tailstock when you need it out of the way. With the Powermatic Tailstock Swing Away, you just gently slide your tailstock onto the swing away, lock it down, unlock the swing away, and gently ease your tailstock out of the way, with a small fraction of the force needed to lift it the old fashioned way. This robust swing away is designed to fit Powermatic 3520, 3520A, 3520B, 3520C, and 2020 lathes.



  • Does not interfere with bed extension mounted in lower position

  • Easily swing the lathe tailstock down and store it out of the way

  • Fits Powermatic 3520, 3520A, 3520B, and 2020 lathes

  • Please note, the Tailstock Swing Away cannot be mounted to the end of a bed extension

  • Quickly locks to the lathe bed with a few turns of the handle


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