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Powermatic - WP2510, 25" Planer, 15HP 3PH 230/460V

Powermatic - WP2510, 25" Planer, 15HP 3PH 230/460V

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  • KNIFE INSERTS NEED NO ADJUSTMENT WHEN CHANGING: Helical cutterhead with 174 four-sided carbide knife inserts.
  • QUICK AND EASY TABLE HEIGHT SET UP: Digital readout and simple PC controller.
  • HANDLES BOTH ROUGH AND FINE FINISH WORK: Two-speed gearbox runs at 20 and 30 fpm.
  • EFFICIENT CHIP AND DUST COLLECTION: Dust chute features a 5" port.
  • PLANE MULTIPLE BOARDS SIMULTANEOUSLY: Specially designed infeed roller and chip breaker.


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