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Pressure-Pro S/VB8035HGEA406 Pressure Washer 8.0 GPM

Pressure-Pro S/VB8035HGEA406 Pressure Washer 8.0 GPM

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The Pressure Pro Pro-Series VB8035HGEA406 (S/VB8035HGEA406 Skid Mount) 8 GPM Pressure Washer is designed for professional use. It’s a durable, high-quality machine capable of handling virtually any task.

This unit comes with an electric start, requiring minimal setup. To get it up and running, simply connect the positive and negative wires to your battery using 6-gauge wire. Ensure you use red wire for the positive connection and black wire for the ground, along with the appropriate connectors. While not essential, relocating the fuse from behind the ignition makes it much easier to replace quickly on the job.

Included with the unit are the following accessories:

  • Gun/Wand Assembly with quick-connects
  • 50' high-pressure hose with quick-connects
  • 4 color-coded quick-connect spray nozzles
  • 1 color-coded quick-connect chemical nozzle
  • Maxi-Flo 20% chemical injector assembly with quick-connects

Standard Features:

  • 3VX belt system ensures balanced power transfer
  • Engine and pump oil drains make for easy maintenance
  • Commercial/industrial-grade Honda engine
  • Low-speed pump with a thermo-sensor to prevent overheating during bypass operation
  • Remote 6-gallon poly fuel tank, non-carb evaporative compliant (not available in California)
  • Electric start
  • Adjustable pressure unloader
  • Dual padded rubber front feet for stability


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