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Trimaco Taped And Drape Masking Film 2" x 72'
Trimaco Taped And Drape Masking Film 2" x 72'
Trimaco Taped And Drape Masking Film 2" x 72'
Trimaco Taped And Drape Masking Film 2" x 72'
Trimaco Taped And Drape Masking Film 2" x 72'

Trimaco Taped And Drape Masking Film 2" x 72'

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Trimaco’s Easy Mask® Tape & Drape Pre-taped Masking Film is perfect protection for use in areas where you want to catch drips and overspray, making this product the ultimate time saver!

Tape is applied along one edge of high-density masking film. This film has a unique coating which helps create cling to the surface protected – even in windy conditions or with spray applicators.

Pre-taped masking film works alone or with Easy Mask’s QM5000 PRO™. Available in a variety of sizes and tape options, including PerfectEdge Painting Tape, 14 Day Blue Tape, and General Purpose Tape.


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2"72 'all other productsbf2023catchallshipClearnomapnot canadaPlastic Masking FilmprisyncremoveprisyncROAS 6.6spo-defaultspo-disabledtrimacounder-200