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DuPont™ Tyvek® 400 Lab Coat - Collar - Open Wrists -Extends Below Hip - Front Snap Closure -2 Pockets -Serged Seams -White - 4X - 30/PK
DuPont™ Tyvek® 400 Lab Coat - Collar - Open Wrists -Extends Below Hip - Front Snap Closure -2 Pockets -Serged Seams -White - 4X - 30/PK
DuPont™ Tyvek® 400 Lab Coat - Collar - Open Wrists -Extends Below Hip - Front Snap Closure -2 Pockets -Serged Seams -White - 4X - 30/PK

DuPont™ Tyvek® 400 Lab Coat - Collar - Open Wrists -Extends Below Hip - Front Snap Closure -2 Pockets -Serged Seams -White - 4X - 30/PK

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Tyvek® 400 garments are composed of flash spun high density polyethylene which creates a unique, nonwoven material available only from DuPont. Tyvek® 400 provides an ideal balance of protection, durability and comfort of any limited use fabric technology. Tyvek® 400 fabric offers an inherent barrier against particles (down to 1.0 micron in size). Protection is built into the fabric itself; there are no films or laminates to abrade or wear away. Tyvek® 400 fabric's durability advantage over microporous film fabrics delivers consistently better barrier, even after wear and abrasion. Applications include: lead and asbestos abatement/remediation, general maintenance/operations, spray painting, general clean-up.

  • Labcoat offers front snap closures for easy donning and doffing
  • Provides enhanced frontal protection
  • Laydown collar
  • Open wrists
  • Two front pockets for holding writing instruments, small tools or parts

Warning: There are uses, environments and chemicals for which any garment will be unsuitable. It is the responsibility of the user to review available data and verify that the garment selected is appropriate for the intended use and meets all specified government and industry standards.


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200-500240 lb. - 310 lb.30/PK4XLrg6'4" - 6'8"all other productsbf2023canadacatchallshipDisposableHazardous ParticlesLab Coat with Collar and Open WristsnogoogleNon-hazardous Light Liquid Splash and AerosolsNon-hazardous ParticlesNon-Respirator Fit HoodNon-Visibilitynot canadar3-safetyReduced SprayROAS 3SergedSnapspo-defaultspo-disabledtyveksuitTyvek® 400White