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Rikon Tools Spindle Sander
Rikon Tools Spindle Sander
Rikon Tools Spindle Sander
Rikon Tools Spindle Sander
Rikon Tools Spindle Sander

Rikon Tools Spindle Sander

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Oscillating Spindle Sander #50-300 is a specialized sander for the fast and accurate sanding of curved board edges. Abrasive sleeves mounted on the machine’s spindles oscillate up-and-down 15/16″, 29 time per minute while the spindle spins, providing more efficient abrasive cutting action. Powerful 1/2 HP motor, all steel gearing, ample cast iron tilting table, metal housing and 5 spindle diameters (1/2″ – 2″) with 6 table inserts make this a valuable machine for every shop. 4-1/2″ long abrasives. Weighed 76 lbs!

  • 1/2 HP Motor
  • Multiple Inserts Included
  • Multiple Spindles Included
  • Table Tilt 0-45° Forward
  • Dual Tool Holders
  • 2″ Dust Ports


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