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MRAS-150-2XR Multi-Regulator Air Stations

MRAS-150-2XR Multi-Regulator Air Stations

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MRAS-150-2XR Filter/Manifold System

▪ 0-120 psig operating range for precision adjustment
▪ Large Diaphragm provides constant pressure to gun
▪ 1 micron filter- excellent particulate &water capture
▪ High Flow Regulators, up to 40 scfm each
▪ 1” NPT inlet & (3) 1/4” quick disconnect outlets
▪ Chrome Case Gauge w/ Glass Lens
▪ 150 scfm filter with auto drain and drain tube kit
▪ (2) additional full flow 1/2” NPT outlet ports available

Great addition to any shop. Great water and dirt removal to 1 micron with auto drain and features single point air control to run shop. High capacity 150 scfm filter handles up to 30 HP compressor system. Additional 1/2” NPT outlets for other shop needs.


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