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Clemco 23894 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter Flat Sand Valve - Apollo HP SaFety Gear
Clemco 23894 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter Flat Sand Valve - Apollo HP SaFety Gear
Clemco 23894 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter Flat Sand Valve - Apollo HP SaFety Gear

Clemco 23894 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter Flat Sand Valve - Apollo HP SaFety Gear

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Clemco Classic Blast Machine Model 1648 Low-Pressure Breathing Air System (LP) Complete Package, Portable, 3 cu ft - 300lbs., with 1-1/4 inch Piping.
The 3 cu ft classic blast machine LP package holds 3 cubic foot (approximately 300 lbs.) of abrasive blast media. This portable blast machine has 1-1/4” piping and comes with a Flat Sand Valve (FSV) and remote control system. Using a No. 6 (3/8-inch) blast nozzle will provide approximately 15 minutes of productive blasting at 100 psi.

Flat Sand Valve

The included manually-operated FSV can be used with expandable mineral and slag abrasives, as well as plastic media. However, the FSV does not work well with metallic media.

Remote Controls

The included TLR-100 remote controls are not equipped with an Automatic Cutoff Switch (ACS).

Package Details

This high-performance and versatile low-pressure blast machine package can remove contamination, corrosion, mill scale, and coatings from most surfaces with the added benefit of portability. The included "LP" Low-Pressure Breathing System package provides everything necessary to begin blasting with an ambient air pump (to be used with the included LP Apollo respirator).

Clemco 23894 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter Flat Sand Valve - Apollo HP SaFety Gear

TLR-300 remote controls (includes 10565 RLX handle) 01936 
FSV abrasive metering valve 02427 
50 ft. X 1-1/4” ID blast hose, coupled 23481 
NHP-2 Nylon nozzle holder (included in 23481) 04127 
CQPS-2 nylon quick coupling (included in 23481) 08413 
Blast hose safety cable 15013 
1-1/2” Air filter with manual drain 22363
TXP-6 blast nozzle 23525
Blast machine screen (optional steel cover) 03099 (02335) 
Poly all-weather cover 15097 
Nylon tie (eight included with system) 02195 (each)
Apollo 600 LP DLX helmet with Constant Flow Connector 25195 
50 ft respirator hose, coupled 22510 
One pair leather gloves 02243
One 25-pack helmet outer lens 04361
One 5-pack Apollo 600 intermediate lens 24943
Two 10-packs quick coupling gaskets 08853 & 00850
One 10-pack nozzle washers 91026 
Abrasive trap screens (six included in system) 02012 (each) 

The FSV, an original Clemco design, is the triedand-true work horse of the industry. It is among the most imitated Clemco components. It is standard on machines from 2-cubic feet to 20-cubic feet capacity

(-) FSV metering valve, complete ..................02427

1. Upper body ....................02422
2. Valve ..............................02423
3. Gasket, rubber, 2 required .................02424
4. Disc-stainless .................02425
5. Lower body ....................02426 
6. Metering handle, heavy duty ................20498 
7. Cap screw, 1/4-NC x 1-1/4” hex head .....03054 
8. Wing nut, 1/4-NC ............03113 
9. Handle bolt spacer..........02431 
10. Valve handle pin .............20246 
11. Gauge unit .....................02433 
12. Set screw, 1/4-NC  x 1/2” square head ...03080 
13. Spring, compression ......01982
14. Stud ................................02436 
15. Packing gland ................02437
16. O-ring, 7/8” OD ..............21165
17. Gasket, shaft ..................02439 
18. Inspection plate ..............02440 
19. Cap screw 5/16-NC x 1” hex head ..........03152 
20. Wing nut, 5/16-NC .........03213 
21. O-ring ..............................01990 
22. Nipple, 1-1/2” x close .....01791 
23. Wye, standard 1-1/4” .....01818 
24. Nipple, 1-1/4” x 5” ..........01721
25. Nut, 1/2-NC hex .............03511 
26. Cap screw, 1/2-NC x 1-3/4” hex head .....03455 
27. Washer, 1/4” flat .............03116
28. Hitch pin .........................20245 

Manual Quantum Valve


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      1-1/4" Pipe1-2 day salesbox3-cubic-foot7000-10000bf2023catchallshipclemcoExpandable MediaFlat Sand ValveFSVnot canadapmax ad sandblasterPneumatic Pressure ReleaseprisyncROAS 3sandblasterSandblastingspo-defaultspo-disabledstockingWith Safety Gear