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Clemco 6 cu ft Classic Blast Machine Model 2452 with TLR-300 Remote Controls, Auto Quantum Valve (AQV), Abrasive Cut-off Switch (ACS), Portable - 600lbs., with 1-1/4 inch Piping.
Clemco 6 cu ft Classic Blast Machine Model 2452 with TLR-300 Remote Controls, Auto Quantum Valve (AQV), Abrasive Cut-off Switch (ACS), Portable - 600lbs., with 1-1/4 inch Piping.
Clemco 6 cu ft Classic Blast Machine Model 2452 with TLR-300 Remote Controls, Auto Quantum Valve (AQV), Abrasive Cut-off Switch (ACS), Portable - 600lbs., with 1-1/4 inch Piping.

Clemco 6 cu ft Classic Blast Machine Model 2452 with TLR-300 Remote Controls, Auto Quantum Valve (AQV), Abrasive Cut-off Switch (ACS), Portable - 600lbs., with 1-1/4 inch Piping.

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Clemco Classic Blast Machine Model 2452 with TLR-300 Remote Controls, Auto Quantum Valve (AQV), Abrasive Cut-off Switch (ACS), Portable, 6 cu ft - 600lbs., with 1-1/4 inch Piping.
The 6 cu ft classic blast machine holds 6 cubic feet (approximately 600 lbs.) of abrasive blast media. This portable blast machine has 1-1/4” piping and comes with an Auto Quantum Valve (AQV) and remote controls with ACS. Using a No. 6 (3/8-inch) blast nozzle will provide approximately 30 minutes of productive blasting at 100 psi.

Quantum Auto Metering Valve

The AQV is a pneumatically operated and easily adjustable media valve that precisely measures all common blast media, including expendable mineral and slag abrasives.

Remote Controls

The included TLR-300 remote control system is equipped with an Abrasive Cut-off Switch (ACS), which permits the operator to shut off the abrasive flow for clearing the blast hose and for blowing down the surfaces after blasting.


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1-1/4" Pipe150 PSI6-cubic-foot7000-10000Abrasive Cut-Off SwitchAQVAuto Metering Quantum Valvebf2023catchallshipclemcoExpandable Mediaexportlistplowmarginnot canadapmax ad sandblasterPortable MachineROAS 4sandblasterSandblastingspo-defaultspo-disabledWithout Safety Gear