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Schulz of America 5.5GH20P15X 125 PSI @ 5.5 CFM Heavy Duty Portable Air Compressor

Schulz of America 5.5GH20P15X 125 PSI @ 5.5 CFM Heavy Duty Portable Air Compressor

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Gas engine driven air compressors are ideal for projects that combine mobility and strength at locations that are difficult to access and without reliance on electric power. Compact and strong, they are available in portable single-stage (120 psi) and two-stage (175 psi) versions. Versatility is guaranteed on single stage models with wheels for easy transportation or two stage stationary models which can be assembled/mounted on trucks. Tanks are ASME coded (except twin tank wheel barrel style) using 13 hp Honda or 5.5 hp Schulz engines, suitable for service trucks, contractors and remote jobsites. Select the best option for your needs.

Model 5.5GH20P15X
HP 5.5
Pump  MSL 15 MAX
FAD CFM* 7.3
Motor / Engine Gas
Tank Style Portable
Tank gal 20
Stage Single Stage
Pump Warranty 1 yr


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