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Schulz of America 1 gal. ISO 46 Synthetic Rotary Oil

Schulz of America 1 gal. ISO 46 Synthetic Rotary Oil

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SZ-SYN-46-1 1 Gal, ISO 46 Synthetic Rotary Oil Rotary Screw Air Compressors

Synthetic oil Schulz SZ SYN 46 ensures greater protection for your rotary screw compressor. This lubricant protects against wear and oxidation, prevents overheating of the machine, as well as reduces friction between moving parts. The frequency of oil changes every 8,000 hours is sure to keep your equipment well cooled, with maximum performance and maintaining your equipment warranty. This lubricant has anti-foam additives, which provides low oil consumption. For maximum performance and durability of your compressor, always use Schulz SZ SYN 46 lubricant.


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