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Schulz of America Intake Filters

Schulz of America Intake Filters

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Ability to mount vertically, horizontally - Typical noise attenuation up to 15 dB’s - 99%+ removal efficiency std: paper = 2 micron - Interchangeable elements: Polyester, Paper, HEPA - Fully drawn weather hood (no welds to rust or vibrate apart) - Durable carbon steel construction with powder coated finish or galvanized steel

Item Model Compressor used on Thread Dia / Intake element Box Qty
809.0997-0 FS-04-025B CSD 9/MSV 6 OIL LESS 1/4" / 04 12
FS04050B FS-04-050B MSL 10 MAX 1/2" / 04 12
809.0982-0 FS-04-M16B MSI 2.6/MSV 5.2 16mm / 04 12
007.0156-0 FS-06-050B MSL 10/15/18 MAX 1/2" / 06 12
007.0157-0 FS-10-050B MSL 10/15/18 MAX 1/2" / 10 12
007.0116-0 FS-14-075B MSV-L 20/30/40/60/80 MAX 3/4" / 14 12
603.1902-2 FS-14-100B MSL 30/40 MAX / TR-15 1" / 14 12
FS18P075 FS-18P-075 WV 80 MAX 3/4" / 18P 12
FS18P100B FS-18P-100B TR15, MSWV 60 FORT/BRAVO  1" / 18P 12


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