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Tillman- 50 MIG Welders Gloves
Tillman- 50 MIG Welders Gloves

Tillman- 50 MIG Welders Gloves

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Top-grain cowhide palm with cowhide split reinforcements and cowhide split back with elastic for best fit. Features top-grain seamless index finger, fleecve lining and 4" cuff for added protection. Sewn with Kevlar® thread for strength and heat resistance. Brown and pearl. 36/Cs.

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A-Gradeall other productsbf2023canadacatchallshipCowhide (Back)Deerskin (Palm)Gauntlet (Cuff)glovesKidskin (Palm)L CuffM CuffMIGnogooglenomapnot canadaROAS 3ROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledStraight (Thumb)tillmanunder-200Wing (Thumb)XL Cuff