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Titan 2443773B Flexspray Pro, 18V, KIT
Titan 2443773B Flexspray Pro, 18V, KIT
Titan 2443773B Flexspray Pro, 18V, KIT

Titan 2443773B Flexspray Pro, 18V, KIT

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The next generation of handheld sprayer from Titan, FlexSpray Pro 18V cuts the cord to give you more freedom. AMPShare™ by Bosch® 4Ah batteries keep you working all day on a single battery system that interchanges across multiple Titan sprayers while still delivering the power of airless and the control of HVLP into one versatile sprayer. The combination of cordless technology and two new Front Ends with less parts and faster cleaning make it the best FlexSpray ever.


  • Built with JetForce Technology® delivering the power of a 4-stage turbine

  • Versatility to spray open spaces with the high-production FlexFinish™ Front End and with precision using the FineFinish™ Front End

  • Intelligent Bosch power management shuts down the unit when entering low battery mode to prevent poor pattern quality

  • Quick Change System allows you to swap front ends with a twist


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