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Titan 6' Outrigger Extension - 72 inches

Titan 6' Outrigger Extension - 72 inches

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Lightweight aluminum extension that has a standard spray gun mount at the top of the pole connected to a trigger at the bottom to increase reach.

  • Convert existing gun to 6' (2m) pole gun & back in seconds
  • Allow you to increase production and profits
  • Constructed of lightweight and rigid aluminum to reduce are fatigue
  • Large, gun installation holder and knob
  • No additional hoses or fittings required
  • Adapts to all Titan™ airless spray guns and most manufacturers airless spray guns


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500-100072 in.all other productsbf2023canadanomapnot canadaOutrigger Extensionpaintsprayerprisync8824repriceROAS 3Ship6to9daysspo-defaultspo-disabledtitan