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Titan CapSpray Maxum Elite HVLP Gravity Gun w/ Overhead Cup

Titan CapSpray Maxum Elite HVLP Gravity Gun w/ Overhead Cup

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0524052 – Titan CapSpray Maxum Elite HVLP Gravity Gun W/Overhead Cup

The Titan CapSpray Maxum Elite Gravity-Style Turbine HVLP Spray Gun 0524052 is used with the Titan Capspray 95, 105, & 115 HVLP Turbine Units. This Gun comes with #3 Projector Set (All Purpose).

This gun comes standard with pressure fed Gravity Cup and support bracket. A versatile application tool that incorporates both standard pressurized cup and pressurized gravity cup capability in one design

The removable and reversible fluid chamber design enables use with standard pressurized cup and pressurized gravity cup

Indexed air and fluid controls for easy use

The fluid needle stays with packing and head assembly for color and tip size changes allow for easier storage and clean up

An integrated check valve in gun head

Optional air inlet allows easy conversion from non-bleeder to bleeder gun

Ergonomic styling

3 position click-in air cap allows quick pattern changes including vertical, horizontal and round patterns

Comes standard with a #3 Proset

2-Stage Trigger Pull

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