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Trimaco E-Z Up Dust Containment Pole Bag (Fits Up to 4 Poles)
Trimaco E-Z Up Dust Containment Pole Bag (Fits Up to 4 Poles)

Trimaco E-Z Up Dust Containment Pole Bag (Fits Up to 4 Poles)

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Trimaco’s collection of sheeting poles and accessories create dust containment systems to help protect against all kinds of dust, dirt, and debris. The temporary system suppresses these unwanted particles to maintain a safe and clean work area. Not only do our E-Z Up poles create a temporary dust partition for any size job, but they are also portable with the help of the E-Z Up Pole Bag.

The 100% durable polyester bag can carry up to 4 sheeting poles. Reinforced with zipper, straps and a comfort grip handle, this bag makes transportation to the job site quick and easy. Our E-Z Up Pole bag can store and carry all types of dust containment poles (any height or weight), and any of Trimaco’s E-Z Up Accessories! 
  • Carries up to 4 dust barrier poles
  • Comfortable and convenient


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