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Trimaco EcoDrop® Paper Drop Cloth 9' x 12' (12/Pack)
Trimaco EcoDrop® Paper Drop Cloth 9' x 12' (12/Pack)

Trimaco EcoDrop® Paper Drop Cloth 9' x 12' (12/Pack)

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Trimaco’s EcoDrop® is a professional grade, and economical paper drop cloth. The recyclable drop is ideal for light paint work, cleaning, wallpapering and removal, covering furniture, storage and many more jobs!

The brown paper is made from 100% recycled material and is chemically treated to resist paint and oil spills. The embossed texture gives additional strength and flexibility. It provides absorbent protection, reducing the risk of tracking on the job. Paper drop cloths measure 9×12, making this a great surface protector for large rooms and areas. Also a great option for arts and crafts.

  • Absorbent paper helps prevent tracking
  • For painting, cleaning, furniture covering, wallpapering, storage and more!
  • Disposable paper drop cloth
  • Made of 100% recycled materials

Looking for a heavy duty option? Be sure to checkout our full line of drop cloths. No matter the job type, Trimaco has you covered!


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12/Packall other productsbf2023catchallshipEconomical Paper Drop ClothlowmarginnogooglenomapOil SpillsPaintsprisyncROAS 6.6spo-defaultspo-disabledtrimacounder-200