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Trinco Model 20/88-ST

Trinco Model 20/88-ST

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TRINCO Tumble Blaster Models simplify the difficult job of blasting small, hard to hold parts. Load your small parts into the basket or barrel, close the door and set the timer. The mounted blast gun will blast your parts as they tumble in the barrel. When timer expires, the blast gun stops leaving your parts clean and ready for the next batch. Some Models offer both tumble and manual blast capability. Many manual TRINCO models can be equipped with our power basket accessory package for Tumble Blasting. They are also available for retrofit to an existing blast cabinet. Also available with Abrasive Separator or 900 RPC Cartridge Dust Collector.

TRINCO™ has combined the convenience of automatic tumble blasting with the versatility of manual blasting into one compact dry blast cabinet. Model 20/88-ST includes removable 8” x 8” basket which easily converts into a manual blasting system, allowing larger parts to be cleaned.

  • Inside Dimensions:
    DEPTH: 18”
    WIDTH: 20”
    HEIGHT: 18”
  • Overall Dimensions:
    DEPTH: 33”
    WIDTH: 21”
    HEIGHT: 38.5”
  • Door Openings:
    ONE (1)
  • Basket Load:
    10 LBS
  • Basket Mesh:
    1/8 x 1/16 DIAMOND
  • Shipping Weight:
    133 LBS

Dust Collector Included. Work Stand Optional


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