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3M™ E-A-R™ Metal Detectable Earplugs (1587386318883)
3M™ E-A-R™ Metal Detectable Earplugs (1587386318883)
3M™ E-A-R™ Metal Detectable Earplugs (1587386318883)
3M™ E-A-R™ Metal Detectable Earplugs (1587386318883)

3M™ E-A-R™ Metal Detectable Earplugs

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  • Soft, pliable foam offers comfort for wearing over an extended time
  • Implanted stainless steel ball bearing and metal particles aid in locating lost earplugs
  • Regular size fits most earcanals.
  • Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)*: 32 dB. CSA Class AL.
  • Designed for food processing and other industries where it is critical to keep earplugs from contaminating products and processes
  • Poly bag keeps each pair of earplugs clean before use

3M™ E-A-Rsoft™ Metal Detectable earplugs were specially developed for food processing and other industries where it is critical to keep earplugs from contaminating products and processes. Recognized by most metal-sensing systems, these earplugs feature an implanted stainless steel ball bearing in the plug and metal particles in the cord.

The 3M™ E-A-Rsoft™ Yellow Neons™ Metal Detectable Corded Earplugs, feature a stainless steel ball bearing in the earplug and metal particles in the cord to aid in locating the earplug if lost. Metal detectable foam earplugs were developed for food processing and other industries where it is critical to keep earplugs from contaminating products and processes. These earplugs seal the earcanal with soft, slow-recovery foam for excellent noise reduction and reliable hearing protection. Recommended applications include chipping, chiseling, drilling, furnace operations, grinding, heavy equipment operations, machining, pouring/casting, power fastening, riveting, sanding, sawing and welding. These earplugs are commonly used in the following industries: agriculture, automotive, chemicals, construction, food and beverage, general manufacturing, healthcare, oil and gas, and pharmaceuticals. These earplugs have a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 32 dB. Earplugs are made of a polyurethane. Test compatible with 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Validation System. *The NRR may overestimate the hearing protection provided during typical use. 3M™ recommended reducing the NRR by 50% for estimating the amount of noise reduction provided. Not only is noise present in our daily routines and recreational activities, but millions of Americans work in hazardous noise on a daily basis. Estimates from the National Institutes of Health suggest that approximately 15 percent of Americans (26 million people) between the ages of 20 and 69 have high frequency hearing loss due to exposure to noise at work or during leisure activities. Hearing loss due to noise is almost entirely preventable by judicious use of hearing protection.


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100/BX200-500200/BX25 dB. CSA Class AL32 dB. CSA Class AL3M™ E-A-R™ Metalall other productsbf2023canadacatchallshipCordedearplugMetal Detectable Cordnot canadapmax ad earplugPolyurethane MaterialprisyncRegular SizeReusableROAS 3ROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledTaperedYellow EarPlug