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4" Replaceable Blade Scrapers (6/Pack)
4" Replaceable Blade Scrapers (6/Pack)
4" Replaceable Blade Scrapers (6/Pack)
4" Replaceable Blade Scrapers (6/Pack)

4" Replaceable Blade Scrapers (6/Pack)

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The Barwalt® 4" (102 mm) Replaceable Blade Scrapers are ideal for removing materials such as adhesive, grout or cement. The angled blades makes for easy scraping. The Barwalt® 4" Replaceable Blade Scrapers are available with a 19" (483 mm) handle or an adjustable handle which adjusts from 36" (914 mm) to 56" (1422 mm). Replacement blades are available in either 10 or 100 per package. Please note: This tool is not recommended for any type of prying.
  • Ideal for removing materials such as adhesive, grout or cement
  • Available with a 19" (483 mm) handle or an adjustable handle which adjusts from 36" (914 mm) to 56" (1422 mm)
  • Replacement blades are available in either 10 or 100 per package


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