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AC-324 Aluminum Angle Clamp, 4" Throat, 2-3/4" Miter Capacity, 1-3/8" Jaw Height, 2-1/4" Jaw Length

AC-324 Aluminum Angle Clamp, 4" Throat, 2-3/4" Miter Capacity, 1-3/8" Jaw Height, 2-1/4" Jaw Length

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Wilton Regular Duty Angle Clamps are made of solid aluminum construction with squarely machined sides and base to provide precise 90 degree clamping. These clamps are designed with self-centering jaws to quickly adjust to work pieces.

  • Designed with self-centering jaws to quickly adjust to work pieces
  • Oblong holes in base for use in mounting clamp to workbench
  • Squarely machined sides and base provide secure and precise clamping


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