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Apollo ECO 1qt. Bottom Bleeder Type Composite Gravity Spray Gun - Black

Apollo ECO 1qt. Bottom Bleeder Type Composite Gravity Spray Gun - Black

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Apollo 6000 Series guns are full featured value-priced spray guns to optionally accompany the ECO series of turbine systems providing the opportunity to discover the benefits of Apollo TrueHVLP at an affordable price. The 6000 Series can also be used as an extra or alternate spray gun with any Apollo HVLP turbine system except the PRECISION series turbines. It is especially efficient for spraying latex (emulsion) paints, and stains as well as any finish of choice alongside your primary Apollo HVLP spray gun.

All E6000 Series include:

3 fan patterns – vertical, horizontal, round
Lightweight composite design
Nozzle / Needle selection for various finishes
Stainless steel needle
Metal air cap for precision performance
Ultra easy to clean and maintain


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