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Broset W1109 - Precision Stop Block
Broset W1109 - Precision Stop Block
Broset W1109 - Precision Stop Block
Broset W1109 - Precision Stop Block

Broset W1109 - Precision Stop Block

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Broset W1109 Precision Stop Block

Ideal for cutting multiple pieces repeatedly to the same size.

The Broset W1109 Precision Stop Block eliminates marking and adjusting the workpiece to the saw blade when cutting single pieces.

Designed for use with a self-stick measuring tape (optional) and features micro-adjustable stops and two magnified hairline cursors for left and right of the blade operation.

Works with fences 1-1/2" wide (i.e., size of a nominal 2x4) and a minimum of 2-1/4" in height.

If using the W1109 Stop Block predominantly on one side of the saw, we suggest you remove the opposite lens and knurled screw and keep as spares for future use.

The W1109 comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects.

The Woodstock Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.

Replacement parts for the stop block may be available online and shipped from the Woodstock parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.

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