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Clemco 00565 CQ-3 Brass Quick Coupling
Clemco 00565 CQ-3 Brass Quick Coupling
Clemco 00565 CQ-3 Brass Quick Coupling

Clemco 00565 CQ-3 Brass Quick Coupling

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CQ-3 fit for 2-3/32" OD hose (CQG gasket 00850)

Clemco couplings are made from top grade brass and aluminum materials in addition to super tough nylon. Universal quarter-turn locking lucks permit interconnection of different size hose couplings from 1/2" to 1-1/4" if desired. Coupling shanks are extra long for added support and holding strength. Screw holes are countersunk to accept No. 10 x 1/2" wood screws. (NOTE: Improper screw size could result in puncture of blast hose tube.)

Brass is a moderately strong and tough metal with corrosion resistance and ductility. Our authentic Clemco brass couplings are industrial strength and guaranteed to fit appropriately-sized blast hoses and piping.

They come with a gasket, screws, and a lock pin


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